We are currently seeking sponsors for the 2013 race season. We have a great setup for anyone looking to contribute to our team, which includes options of ad space on this website or our YouTube channel.

New for this year: we have a box truck with plenty of space to showcase your company logo.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or know someone who might be, email me any time at thesyndicate1121@gmail.com for more information.

Project Contributors

I am fortunate to have some really good people around me, without whom I’d still be buried in a pile of parts probably muttering incoherently and cursing the invention of the wheel. These people helped out and have done what needed to be done whether it be hands on involvement on the bike or the supporting roles that needed to be done. I would not be riding this bike without them. My Crew at Area One Motorsports; Greg Czeszewski, Andy Lewallen, Pete Katsuleas, and Dianna Cox. They helped build this bike, chased parts, freed up my time by taking some of my daily work load, gave ideas, played devils advocate on my goofy ideas, kept me fed and made me go home and sleep at times. Whether it was just holding a part while I tack welded something, or throwing out a "what about doing it this way?" they are all just as responsible for the existence of this bike as anyone.

Also in this core group are my friends Kelly Stone & Jen Gadus. They are responsible for what you are reading here. They designed, built & handle the Facebook and website and keep me connected with the outside world. During the course of this project I had someone ask me if I got "lonely working on my bike all by myself till all hours of the night?" The only answer I can give to that is, "how could I get lonely when I am working with a race team as big as this?" Thanks Pete, Greg, Dianna, Andy, Jen, & Kelly; I could not have done this without you, you guys are my race team!

Additional contributors:
Joe Martens, Antigonne Sharris, "Mrs. CNC" Sarah Wilson, Darrell and the team at Muck Engineering, Ken and the team at Paradigm Development, Elvis and the team at ERA Industries, Wally over at Arccraft, Brian and the team at Suburban Welding and Steel, Electromotive, Precision Turbo & Engine, Tim from Phenix, Doug over at Accent Metal Finishing, Dane over at Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle, Dave & Dave at Precision Auto Research, Team MCC over at Motor Cycle Center, Brian over at Win Racing, Jane and the team at Guardian Logistics, Colleen Matte and the team at Thermal Control Products, and Dave at World Wide.

Learn more about my 2011 race bike as well as the details on how these great people have helped me during this ever-evolving project.


Are coming soon!

...I hope.

2011 Team

2011 Team

2011 Team